- 1986–1997 Ford Aerostar
- 1990–1992 Ford Probe
- 1991–1998 Ford Ranger
- 1986–2000 Ford Taurus
- 1992–1994 Ford Tempo
- 1995–2000 Ford Windstar
- 1986–2000 Mercury Sable
- 1992–1994 Mercury Topaz
- 1994–1996, 1998 Mazda B3000
Mahle OE
Piston Rings
MAHLE Original piston rings are the most technically advanced piston rings in the industry. Driven by OE requirements; reducing friction and ring mass while minimizing engine oil consumption, and providing longer service life. MAHLE Original piston rings lead the industry for the latest piston ring technology.
Mahle is the world's largest manufacturer of piston rings. Their tremendous research and development and extensive OE connections mean that Mahle Original standard piston ring sets have the technological edge. Things like narrow compression rings, steel compression rings for gasoline engines, low-tension oil rings, and coated compression rings for diesels all came from OE. Mahle's entire Original line proves time and again that it should be the ring of choice under every hood - regardless of the application.
Mahle Original standard piston rings offer high tensile strength, high yield strength, and excellent hardness with low ring mass. These factors lead to stress resistance, minimal groove pound-out, long service life, cylinder conformability, oil economy, and good blow-by control with low friction. Whether you're repairing a modern computer-controlled engine, or rebuilding an older engine, be sure to specify Mahle Original standard piston ring sets (formerly Perfect Circle) … trusted by professional automotive technicians for over 100 years.